“The Modern Series” to start off 2016
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you and your families are starting off 2016 with a great deal of optimism. Change does seem to be in the air!
If you or anyone you know plans on attending the Ottawa Home and Remodeling Show at the EY Center this coming weekend, I will be highlighting wood products with emphasis on the latest advancements and trends in two guest presentations on Thursday January 21st and Friday January 22nd at 4:30 pm. Bryan Baeumier, an HGTV celebrity, will also be at the show so for those of you who are remodelling addicts or fans, you may just want to check it out.
If you are unsure whether to attend, I will be making an appearance on CTV Morning Live at 9:20 am tomorrow the 21st to talk about the showcase booth "The Modern Series" which I designed for the Wood Collective. Since my segment will be filmed on location, you will get a sneak peak before the show actually opens.
I am really excited about this feature project as it is one I have never done before, let alone overcome the challenge of meeting the needs of 9 clients all at once :) My clients, members of The Wood Collective, are masters at their wood craft. Some of the trending products they supply and manufacture are the Tiny House or Secondary Dwelling, Pure Genius hardwood flooring which cleans the air in your home, Cross Laminated Timber which serves as an ecological structural material as an alternative to conventional drywall and concrete, Torrefied Wood which improves the durability of wood to withstand humidity and the environment, and Optima custom doors created to suit any design you have in mind! The showcase features doors made to simulate birch bark trees! So much innovation!